日本最大級の業者向けリアルオークションを60数年運営する老舗オークショニアTOKIOKA ABILITYオークションのアプリです。
TOKIOKA ABILITYの熟練バイヤーによる検品コメント付きのインターネットオークションをスマートフォン、タブレットを使って入札できます。
This is an app of a traditional auctioneer "TOKIOKA ABILITY AUCTION"
that operates the largest B2B brick-and-mortar auction in Japan for over 60 years.
Regardless of the location, buyers can bid on from anywhere with the app.
The auction always has a wide variety and number of article, such as name-brand goods, watches, jewelry.
You can check our experienced buyers comment on the auction site with your smartphone or tablet.